Plan of the Week: “Two-By” Bench

The Chief’s Shop “Two-By” Bench can be made in an afternoon and requires on a few tools to complete – a miter saw, circular saw, drill driver, and Kreg pocket hole jig.

Its name comes from the fact that it requires 2 x material, two 2 x 4s and a 2 x 12. Use your choice of exterior lumber for the base components, but try to avoid treated lumber for the seat unless you plan to thoroughly seal it using solid exterior stain or exterior paint.

Click the image below to download the plan.

Be sure to e-mail me with any questions and let me know what you think –

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Make Some Sawdust!


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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Chief, I like that it is a soild plank top and not slates, but if building for outdoors, should you do anything so that water doesn’t sit on the surface (ie drain holes or pitch) in the build. Does this leave the builder relying solely on a coating like paint or spar varnish?

    • You could sand a slope to the ends and edges to help water drain away. It’s not really something I think you would need to worry about much for the scope of this project. The wide surface of the seat isn’t confined (such as a lip around the edge), so while the water could possibly “sit” on the seat, it does have somewhere to go eventually.

  2. Forgive my missing auto correction. SLATS not slates.

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